GOROIX is a Hosting Service Provider (HSP) company headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota with access to 77 hosting facilities throughout North America. In 1995 the company was created with the primary purpose to allow for people to "Work Anywhere at Anytime" and built with "hassle free IT" in mind.
GOROIX has a 100% Partner strategy, working with our partners to maximize the end customers potential with their selected solutions.
For the nearly 14 years we enjoyed the processes of engaging with our customers and helping them evaluate and implement ERP, CRM and Business process software packages, enabling them to reap the benefits that they entail. Our staff would conduct evaluations and implement the solution to best fit your company. Today we are strictly a hosting service provider, focusing on providing the application hosting, application support, upgrading, patching, networking, bandwidth and infrastructure that our Partners and (Y)our customer's expect.
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