GOROIX Partnerships provide predictability, opportunities and margins for you and (Y)our Customers...

By leveraging our Cloud Hosting expertise and Infrastructure and our non-competitive model...

IT hosting partnerships that work... GOROIX is a 100% partner driven firm. We provide a critical link between the seller, the buyer and technology. We provide partners new avenues of profit by helping them leverage their potential and existing customers by offering hosted application infrastructure. In the current economical climate companies, now more than ever need to grow their competitive advantages. The one change companies are looking for is to lower cost avenues to achieve their goals as it relates to IT.  With hosting, you eliminate start-up CapEx investments in hardware and exchange it for a predictable monthly fee. Customers get their applications, their internal IT resources add value to the wider corporate plan and the partner keeps the Professional Services Opportunity. Our proven methodology and industry leading processes and infrastructure speeds environment configuration, software installation, and partner control while providing users accessibility from anywhere at anytime.

IT Hosting partnerships drive our business and provide your customers more options Hosting (Y)our Strategy
GOROIX has devised a (Y)our Strategy – Your Customer and Our Customer - that allows for our partners to focus on the software applications, customizations, workflow's, etc., while we maintain high performance hardware and availability for hosting our shared customer in our data centers.

Our Partners find that by working with GOROIX they can focus on their core competencies rather than building a data center, negotiating contracts for bandwidth, power and staffing a N.O.C. Our Partners also appreciate not having to fear competition with GOROIX with their customer's business.

GOROIX keeps You as the Trusted Adviser and provider of Professional Services.
Virtually all hosting companies provide professional services, and with them, you stand a significant chance of competing for your clients professional service needs. We are unique in that we do not solicit end customers for Professional Serices. We work exclusively with our partners to offer (Y)our end customers a way to host or access applications in our tier 3, telco grade hosting facilities. With access to over 77 hosting locations across North America, we maintain a national footprint with a local presence and an international base of users. With GOROIX , you will find no hosted ERP offering that is as easy to work with.

7 ways we make IT hosting and Software Plus Service partnerships work.
  1. We keep you, our Partner, in front of your customer, for Professional Services. When the end customer requires services do you want them calling the software developer direct, or do you want to stay in control of the customer?
  2. Partner Hosted Customers have a higher satisfaction with the solution provided by the Partner. In addition, they are more inclined to spend more for Professional Services to get even more out of their solution.
  3. One call can solve it all. Customers call the Call Center for both technical and application support. If it is application related, the call is relayed to the partner to work with the customer.
  4. Partner Hosted has "abilities" - The GOROIX partnership model provides:
     Scale-ability – Can add additional applications like ERP, Financial, Exchange and more to the end customer's experience.
     Adaptability – Partners can adapt quickly to the customers changing business needs.
     Flexibility – The Partner can do more because they have full administrative rights over the environments.
     Connect-ability – Easier to integrate and connect other line of business applications.
  5. Partner Hosted keeps your sales people selling versus calling account for status updates.
  6. More revenue and better margins from the end customer because they stay connected to the partner.
  7. Integration to office automation tools (SharePoint, Exchange Office) and Line of Business Applications (CRM/ERP)
Benefits For (Y)our End Customers: Benefits For Our Partners:

   - Work anywhere, at anytime
   - More data, less IT overhead
   - Flexible licensing options
   - Predictable cash-flow
   - Focus on core competencies
   - Access to 77 hosting facilities
   - Increased data security
   - Data integrity and back-up
   - No/low risk
   - 24/7 reliability
   - 24/7 technical support

   - Adept at integrating sophisticated multi-application solutions
   - Leverage your existing customer base and offer more robust solutions
   - Our experts can act as the Sales Engineer
   - We invest in Public Relations and market your firm
   - Leverage our Network Operations Center
   - We have great references and case studies
   - We are a stable business with over 14 years ERP and CRM experience
   - 100+ implementations
   - Partners assume no risk or downside
   - Lucrative referral multi level commission structures and bonus opportunities

IT Hosting and application hosting provides new avenues of profits with partnerships with GOROIX .

Partnership and Profitability

In order to provide the best of class platform for application hosting for End Customers we forge relations with companies whose offerings complement those of GOROIX . We have defined three types of partnerships outlined below; each with a different "sweet spot" to best suit your organization.

At the Strategic Marketing Partner level we engage in marketing efforts to help drive our mutual businesses with a minimal investment. SaaS or S+S business models fit with your customer and partner relationships. MORE...

Another option is the Strategic Integration Partnership. As the implementer, provider or project coordinators working with the customer, you provide us with the software licenses, the software titles and list of users you'd like to have hosted and we'll do the rest. Typically a S+S business model. MORE...

We provide Strategic Development Partners a gateway into SaaS opportunities by offering the platform for products and services without having to commit the overhead of a tier 3, telco grade data center, hardware and significant investment of infrastructure and talent. Typically our development partners have a SaaS business model. MORE...

The End Customer finds that by off-loading the administrative tasks associated with managing their IT environment, their IT staff can become more strategic and valuable to the organization, allowing them to better serve new company initiatives that are critical to retaining their competitive edge. MORE...

Find out how we make IT Hosting work for everyone...
  Contact us with your questions or to inquire about partnership.
  Download our Corporate Brochure (1 MB)
  Find a partner to implement your hosted application solution.
  Learn more about our access to 77 hosting locations across North America.
  A list of Software Applications we host